Dr. Daniel Heller

Chairman Board of Directors


Daniel Heller is a partner in Farner Consulting AG, a leading Swiss communications consultant, where he heads the Startup Desk and the Innovationboard (public affairs). He also chairs the Board of Directors of Clientis Bank Aareland AG (Küttigen-Erlinsbach AG) and is Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Clientis AG (Swiss regional banks, Bern).

He holds additional directorships in industry and healthcare (Chairman of Kantonspital Baden AG and Klinik Barmelweid AG). For the FDP, he sat for many years in the Aargau cantonal parliament, where he chaired the Freisinnige Fraktion from 2004 to 2014.

Daniel Heller completed his studies in history, economic history and political science at the University of Zurich with a doctorate in 1988.

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